Francesca Teresa

Jun 15, 20203 min

Things To Do To Combat A Bad Mental State

There's no denying that mental health awareness and self care are some of the most important practices to implement in our day to day lives. With the current climate of the world and all this uncertainty I kn0ow for a  fact my mental health has been in fluctuation. I can be totally hopeful and positive about everything one day, not want to get out of bed the next, and be an anxious mess the following day, certain that the world is ending. In situations like these it can be hard to break the cycle of bad mental health practices or just identify the everyday things which are triggering you. I have found when I identify these situations and have a plan in place to kick anxiety and depressions butt it makes it so much easier than having to problem solve in the midst of a bad mental state. Below is a list of things you can do to

Go Outside

There’s no denying that it’s scientifically proven being out in nature and in sunshine improves your mood, boosts immunity and improves your overall vibe, even if it’s just sitting out on your balcony if you currently can’t leave your house.

Spend Time With Animals

One thing that guarantees to make me smile is my dog. Just watching him walk around the yard and do his dog thing or laying down with him and giving him cuddles improve my mood dramatically (plus he’s a great listener)

Online Detox

Do you ever have those moments when you’re aimlessly scrolling through your phone and you finally turn it off and you feel like you’re awake to the world and your brain feels like mush? Yeah there’s a reason for that. Take some time away from your phone and laptop even if it’s watching Netflix on your tv instead of your laptop (idk why it makes a difference). Or even better, read, go for a walk, or do anything else on this list!

Make Yourself A Cup Of Tea

Theres just something about curling up with a cozy blanket and looking out a window that just seems instantly calming. Winter or summer, theres no seasonal restrictions on tea. Though maybe ditch the blanket in summer.


A lot of the time when I’m feeling depressed or anxious I struggle to identify why. I find it really helpful to take some time and just reflect on my thoughts and then being able to put pen to paper and just blurt out all my feelings no matter how irrational they are gives me greater perspective on my thoughts and feelings and move on

Make Plans With A Friend

Perhaps you're someone who prefers to be alone in low times but for me I find spending time with a close friend really lifts my spirits. Find someone to spend time with who's ok with just being there and doing nothing or even better, will give you some direction and help pull you out of your funk.

Implement A Sleep Schedule

When my sleep scheduled is screwed up I automatically feel depressed. Ill wake up at lunchtime and feel unmotivated, directionless and pathetic. Going to bed and waking up at certain times can help avoid this feeling and also adds routine to your everyday.

Run Errands

Im someone who feels my best when being productive. So I make sure I have things to keep me busy, whether its buying groceries or dropping something at a friends house, it helps me feel accomplished and useful.


Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don’t.

Listen To A Podcast

Podcasts have become very popular in the past few years and for good reason. They’re relaxing, a great way to reduce screen time and an excellent way to distract your mind. There are plenty to choose from for people of all interests


Reading is a great form of escapism allowing you to enter a new reality and distract your mind from any form of worry and anxiety.


I really struggle with this one but am never going to deny the benefits which it brings me. Meditation needs great practice and discipline but it is one of the main prescriptions for reducing stress and anxiety. Start off small with a 2-5 minute guided meditation and see how you feel!
